Friday, November 21, 2008

Okay, so I am a slacker...

I have been getting a lot of crap from a few people about not maintaining my blog. Well, here's an update. Since my last blog both our boys have had their birthdays. On May 22nd Kaleb turned 2 and on June 1st Ethan turned 4. Kaleb has also started preschool, and Ethan has changed to a new school closer to home and he seems to be thriving. He is a wonderful kid, but he has some uniqueness that requires something a off of mainstream. His prior preschool was fantastic, but this school is is providing him so much of what he needs. It is just awesome to see him love school and succeed.

At the end of September Mike and I took our first cruise. It was awesome. No kids, just us. It was kind of an anniversary trip (our 12th anniversary was on October 5th.) We can't wait to take another one, but we will likely take the kids. It was a great trip without them, but we (maybe just I) missed them so much that I don't know that I could do it again until they are older.

On October 10th I turned 34. I love my birthday, and always have. It is my favorite day of the year! My father and one of my brothers has their birthday on the same day, so all three of us had that in common. (In case anyone is wondering, my dad turned 71 and my brother 51.) Unfortunately, I am not close to my brother and haven't spoken to him in probably 15 years, but family matters are for another blog.

Just this past Sunday, November 16th, Mike had his birthday and turned 36. We were in Moab for the weekend with the company. It was an awesome time! The only thing missing was our Jeep. Mike has some work being done on it to make it bigger and better (as if it wasn't enough before), and it is taking a lot more time than estimated. We are going on 7 months now of no Jeep. So, we rented on it Moab. Kind of fun to get back to the basics of Jeeping. Makes you take a different look at things when you don't have the same set up.

One bit of bad news is that just today, like one hour ago, I had to have one of our cats euthanized. I was with him and it was fast and peaceful. I am a red-eyed, teary mess over it. But, on another note, we have an addition to our cat collection, Chloe. She is a rescue, like them all, and is fitting in nicely. She has been with us for a few weeks now, and originally I was going to try to find her another home. She was just going to stay with us until then, but she's here for good now.

Here are some pictures to get you all updated. I'll try to post more often!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, Utah and Easter Sunday

Here are some pictures from Easter Jeep Safari in Moab. We were there March 15th-22nd. The red Bronco is one of our employees.

We LOVE Moab and cannot wait to move there. We always have so much fun, including the boys. The family picture is taken on an overlook off a trail called Hell's Revenge. The figure with his hands on his hips in the background is another one of our employees, and if you stand where he is you can see the Colorado River about 1,000 feet down. And, I mean straight down. One of our employees got some pretty crazy video by standing out there and pointing the camera down at the road below.

The weather was beautiful, except for the snow storm we got caught in on doing the Gemini Bridges and Metal Masher trail. That was cause for concern. Let's just say we got out of there just in time.

Below the Moab pictures are the boys on Easter morning. Ethan had a blast, but was particular about how collected the eggs. He collected his favorite colors first (white and yellow), and then the rest. Kaleb took a bit to catch on. He has this "hoarding" issue. (And I say that affectionately.) He was trying to just carry has many eggs as he could without using the basket. It was fun to watch.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Okay, so it has been a while since I have added pictures. Typical excuse: busy! Anyway, here are some pictures from our trip to Tahoe (in October) and Halloween. I will get some more pictures from the camera and get them added. Enjoy!